positive wellbeing programmes
These will be delivered face to face in Cancer Lifeline. Please contact us if you would prefer to join in online.

fatigue management programme
Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness and lack of energy that everyone will experience at some time during and / or after a cancer diagnosis and its treatments.
The effects of Fatigue will be different for everyone but can cause great difficulty with doing everyday activities that are important to us. Fatigue can make you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and depressed. Fatigue is also now known to be one of the long-term side effects of Covid-19, which is affecting so many of us now too.
In this session you will hear from other people who are maybe experiencing the same feelings and symptoms as you. It will help you to understand the causes of fatigue and will provide some useful advice, tips, and techniques to help you to start to overcome fatigue. Begin to make positive changes to your energy levels, mood, wellbeing, and quality of life.
Date: Tues 19th Nov 2024 & Tues 18th Feb 2025
Time: 2.00 – 3.30pm
Facilitator: Dot Thompson (Occupational Therapist BHSCT)

get active - walking group
Going for a nice walk or a gentle stroll, may help, if you are experiencing poor sleep, feel anxious etc…
Our Walking Group walks locally in North Belfast. Once a month we organise one off trips to places of interest such as public parks across the city and others as suggested by group participants. You must attend for three weeks in a row to take part in the outings.
The Walking Group is led by our experienced walking leaders Liz & Richard who have both completed their Walking Leaders Course via Belfast Health & Social Care Trust (BHSCT). Group is designed for people of all walking abilities. Please wear comfortable footwear & clothing.
Date: Every Wednesday during Oct 2024 – March 2025 (except during holiday closures)
Time: 2.00 – 3.30pm (Please note the group kick starts on Wed 16th Oct 2024).

Vital Nutrition for living well
Are you confused about nutrition? Do you want to make some changes to your diet, but don’t know where to start?
If you are looking for simple and straightforward ways to make positive changes to your diet, then our nutritionist Jane McClenaghan is here to help you make sense of healthy eating. Jane will help you to set realistic and achievable goals and guide you on the best foods to add to your shopping basket.
Dates: Tues 5th Nov 2024, Thurs 13th March 2025
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Tutor: Jane McClenaghan (Nutritional Therapist)

yoga & meditation
Yoga helps to keep our bodies, mind and spirit in good health. Yoga supports the body to get back its strength and flexibility after illness.
These six week classes include gentle stretching of the body, applying proper breathing techniques and deep relaxation to enhance more flexibility and calmness of mind. By the end of the 6 weeks you will feel noticeably different for taking the time to look after your own wellbeing and recovery. Please wear comfortable clothing.
Course 1 Dates: Thursday 24th Oct, 7th Nov, 14th Nov, 21st Nov, 28th Nov, 5th Dec 2024.
Course 2 Dates: Thursday 16th Jan, 23rd Jan, 30th Jan, 6th Feb, 13th Feb, 20th Feb 2025
Time: 11.00am – 12.30pm
Facilitator: Mary Connolly, Lead Complementary Therapist.
Priority will be given to members who have NOT participated in the yoga sessions before.

Cancer treatments and side effects can impact on the way you look and feel. This programme offers one-to-one makeup, skin, nail and hair care appointments, taster complementary therapies and connecting you with health providers / organisations that can offer support.
These sessions aim to enhance general appearance and self-image during a difficult & challenging time in your life. Please note these sessions are mixed (Male & Female) attendance except our Male only session in March 2025.
Dates: Wed 16th Oct (MALES & FEMALES), Wed 27th Nov (CARERS)
Wed 5th Feb 2025 (MALES & FEMALES), Wed 5th Mar 2025 (MALES ONLY)
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm

It can be easy to go through life without taking much notice of our surroundings.
Mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment, without judging or reacting to our thoughts. It can help us to enjoy life more, by understanding ourselves better. It also helps to aid better sleep & wellbeing. This session will have a short meditation.
Date: Thursday 14th November 2024
Time: 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Facilitator: Mary Connolly, Lead Complementary Therapist

In this session we will explore the stresses in our lives and how we can respond to help us cope better with daily life challenges.
The Simple Coherence Technique uses the power of your heart to balance your thoughts & emotions, thereby achieving a state of having more energy, giving us better mental clarity and helping us to feel better faster. This session will have a short meditation.
Date: Thursday 20th February 2025
Time: 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Facilitator: Mary Connolly, Lead Complementary Therapist
Margaret McManus, Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, is offering three Cancer Lifeline clients an opportunity to avail of hypnotherapy to stop smoking/vaping free of charge.
Hypnotherapy can provide a supportive framework to help you achieve and maintain your goal of a smoke/vape free life.
It can help you identify your strengths and resources to work towards your goal.
Many people smoke as a way of managing stress and anxiety. Hypnotherapy can teach you relaxation techniques to manage stress without relying on cigarettes/vapes.
Sadly there is no magic wand, to stop smoking or vaping! Your FULL participation is required.
What you can expect
- An initial consultation by phone which is about 15 minutes.
- The Hypnotherapy session usually takes around an hour and a half
- You will find out how the brain works in creating the negative patterns of behaviour and the link between smoking and anxiety.
- Be guided into a relaxed state, so that you can visualise yourself as a non-smoker/vaper.
- See what changes you can make to increase your chances of success.
- Be given an MP3 recording to assist with the process.
If you are interested contact Bryan on 02890351999