one-to-one support
The different therapies we use
Discover the power of support—watch our members share how our therapies have helped them.
Every cancer journey is unique, and we’re here to tailor support to you. Our expert-led therapies provide comfort, strength, and care when you need it most.
Watch the video above to learn more.
If you wish to avail of any Complementary Therapies, simply contact the office on 02890 351999 or Maggie on 07508 439742.

complementary therapies
Cancer Lifeline offers one to one Complementary Thearapy treatments to cancer patients, family members and carers.
Complementary Therapy does not treat or cure cancer but it can help to manage symptoms and ease side effects.
The therapies we offer are Aromatherapy, Massage and Reflexology. Our Complementary Therapy team are specially trained to treat people with cancer and haematological conditions.
If you wish to avail of any Complementary Therapies, simply contact the office on 02890 351999 or Maggie on 07508 439742.

bach flower and aromatherapy
Cancer Lifeline continues to support clients to take up Bach Flower Remedies and Aromatherapy blends, which can help with low mood, anxiety, stress, pain relief and poor sleep.
We are continuing to deliver these supports to you by phone or in person in Cancer Lifeline. To book a telephone consultation with our Lead Complementary Therapist, or arrange a face-to-face consultation appointment, please contact the office.
If you wish to avail of the above contact the office on 02890351999 or 07949 109 091

Every day someone gets news that will change their lives forever. This is true of people who receive a cancer diagnosis.
Often it takes time for this news to actually register. When it does, it brings a whole array of emotions and questions which can be overwhelming.
This is the time when you may benefit from speaking to one of our trained counsellors. Counselling seeks to respect each person and help the person to come to terms with the reality they face.
If you wish to avail of the above contact the office on 02890351999 or 07949 109 091

welfare benefits advice
Financial worries can be a major concern for people affected by cancer.
Cancer Lifeline can link you directly into a Welfare Benefits Advice Service to assist you to get the right help and advice on what benefits you may be entitled to. The advisors will help you to complete the necessary forms. Please contact the office if you need advice.
If you wish to avail of the above contact the office on 02890351999 or 07949 109 091

Peer support
People take comfort from talking to someone who has been through a similar experience.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer and would like to talk to one of our committee members who all have experience of a cancer diagnosis, we can arrange for one of them to call you for a chat. The committee can arrange to meet you somewhere which is convenient for you, in Cancer Lifeline or chat to you over the phone.
If you wish to avail of the above contact the office on 02890351999 or 07949 109 091

staff support calls/advocacy
Staff continue to keep in touch with you to respond to your needs and link you into Cancer Lifeline’s services and those of other agencies.
Some examples include, Welfare Benefits Advice, Local foodbank parcels, referrals to Social Work in the community and hospital, Breast Care nurses, Call Management, Hospice, Housing, and other allied health Professionals.
If you would like to chat about any of these or are struggling with any other issues or concerns, again please contact the office where we will do our best to help.
If you wish to avail of the above contact the office on 02890351999 or 07949 109 091

family support - one-to-one
Do you need support to talk to children or teenagers in your family about cancer? A cancer diagnosis in the family can be a worrying time for children and teenagers.
As adults we worry about how we should explain the situation to them. Often, we are afraid to say the wrong thing.
We can arrange support for you through the Cancer Fund for Children. They will help you to explore the right words to use to talk to each other and work through any concerns and worries.
If you wish to avail of the above contact the office on 02890351999 or 07949 109 091