Caring Connections – supporting carers
The below programmes are specifically for family members and carers of cancer patients. People who care for others, very often neglect their own needs. This can result in “burn-out” or personal sickness. When we learn to look after ourselves first by identifying our own needs, we can become more effective looking after those we care for.
Note: Bach Flower Remedies, Gentle Movement and Mindfulness will be facilitated by Mary Connolly
(Lead Complementary Therapist).

Bach Flower Remedies maybe able to support you through difficult times such as poor health, grief, divorce, life stress, anxiety or feeling overwhelmed, to name but a few.
The remedies can be taken alongside any medication you are on, as they do not affect the physical body, but act more on the emotional & mental wellbeing aspects. This one off session will help you to explore the benefits of Bach Flower Remedies in your everyday life so that you may feel more balanced and able to deal with everyday life.
Date: Wed 11th Oct 2023
Time: 2.00 – 3.30pm
Venue: Cancer Lifeline

Lunch and Learn – GENTLE MOVEMENT
Gentle movement is important for our health because our body and our brain feel better when we find ways to integrate movement into our daily routines.
In this one off session you will be guided to look at and find ways of practicing some gentle movements which can be used throughout your day to support your wellbeing.
Date: Wed 8th Nov 2023
Time: 2.00 – 3.30pm

Self-Care Get Together - Feel Good Morning
This session is aimed at Male and Female carers. Supporting a loved one through their cancer diagnosis and treatment regimes can be very stressful and difficult. It doesn’t allow you much time for yourself.
Take time out to join us to have a facial, manicure or get your hair trimmed. Have your cholesterol & blood pressure checked. Come and chat on a one to one with Fintan about ways to manage your stress and anxiety through Take Ten. Take Ten lets you see how your body responds to stressful thoughts and feelings and assists you to manage your stress responses and to feel in control of your mind and body.
Date: Wednesday 7th Feb 2024
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm

Top Tips for Wellbeing – MINDFULNESS
Mindfulness is the practice of purposefully bringing ones attention to the present moment experience.
Evidence suggests that mindfulness can enhance your physical, mental & emotional wellbeing as well as positively influencing our immune system. In these two sessions you will get an opportunity to practice some mindfulness and hopefully acquire some helpful tips and tools to help you focus on the present. This is particularly important for those in a caring role.
Date: Wed 17th & 24th Jan 2024
Time: 2.00 – 3.30pm

Nurseline - Cancer Focus
Need to talk to someone?
We listen to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis. It can be you, your family, or a friend.
Nurseline is a free information and support service led by local nurses. You can reach us by telephone; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9.00am – 1.00pm (excluding Bank and Public holidays) on TEL: 0800 7833339 or by e-mail at
We provide the opportunity for you to talk about a wide range of issues related to cancer:
- how to access care when you need it
- any worries or concerns you might have
- clarification of information already given
- how to have conversations about the things that matter most
We don’t have all the answers but we usually know where to direct people to get the information and support they seek.
So lift the phone or e-mail. We will be glad to hear from you.

Family Support Service
When an adult in the family is diagnosed with cancer it affects the entire family unit. For children and young people this can be distressing, isolating, and frightening. It can bring unwanted changes to their lives and can affect their experiences of school, friendships, and ongoing development.
The family support service offers specialist support to help families cope with disruption to ordinary family life and minimise the long-term impact on a child’s emotional well-being. The adult with cancer could be a parent or grandparent (or close, significant adult).
Cancer Focus’ Family Support Service offers several different programmes that will help tackle both emotional and practical needs.
- We help families, children and young people untangle complicated feelings and dispel fears. This includes supporting your family to find the language to speak to each other about the cancer journey.
- We offer emotional support when life feels very difficult. This can be 1-1 with individual children, parents/carers or in a family group. We can come out to your home or meet the children at their school setting. We offer telephone and online support.
- We offer monthly bereavement group nights at our office in Belfast, this is an opportunity to meet other children and families who have experienced bereavement through cancer. Currently these are the last Thursday of the month.
- We offer a Writing For The future and Memory Work
- Recently a bereaved Dad’s group has formed.
- We hope to develop our group work for teenagers again in the future.
You can find out more about our service by contacting the Family Support Coordinator, Gail Calwell, on or contact the office on 02890663281. Cancer Lifeline can help you to make a referral to this service if you prefer. Contact us at the office 02890351999.